Success Story

Success Story

Headache Pain

Do you have a splitting headache? If so, you’re not alone. According to recent reports, there are an estimated 50 million chronic headache sufferers in America. Headaches account for more than 80 million doctor visits, 175 million lost work days per year, and 4 billion dollars in over-thecounter medication sales.

Watch 5 Step Headache Rescue Plan Interview with Dr. Channing C. Bolick, D.C. as seen on Channel 13 News.

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Success Story


“I had been having severe back pain, headaches, depression, muscle cramps, sleep deprivation, and constant flu-like symptoms, to name a

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Success Story

Back Injury, Leg Swelling and Pain

I began Chiropractic care in February of 2002.

I was having a number of physical problems with my body.

I had suffered two back injuries. One at the base of the neck which was apparently caused at birth. This had resulted in massive headaches and pain. The other back injury was in my lower back, which was caused by a boating accident about 15 years ago, which resulted in lower back pain for 5 or 6 years.

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