Title: | Difference Between SpineCor Brace and Rigid Brace During Treatment |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2012 |
Authors: | Ö Ersen, B Bilekli, S Bilgic, E Oguz, A Sehirlioglu |
Title: | First Experiences in the Treatment of Juvenile and Idiopathic Scoliosis with SpineCor Braces |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2012 |
Authors: | A Sarchioto |
Title: | A Prospective Interventional Cohort Study of 175 Patients Treated by the SpineCor Orthosis, Following the Scoliosis Research Society Criteria |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2012 |
Authors: | C Coillard, A Circo, CH Rivard |
Title: | SpineCor Treatment – The Spanish Experience. First Results |
Meetng/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2011 |
Authors: | C Herrero, E Herrero |
Title: | A Prospective Randomised Study of the Natural History of Idiopathic Scoliosis Versus Treatment with the SpineCor Brace |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2011 |
Authors: | C Coillard, A Circo, CH Rivard |
Title: | SpineCor in the Treatment of Adult Scoliosis |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting, Montreal – 2010 |
Authors: | L Marcotte |
Title: | SpineCor Treatment for Juvenile Idiopathic Scoliosis: SOSORT Award 2010 Winner |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT Meeting – 2010 |
Authors: | C Coillard MD, A Circo, MD, C H Rivard |
Title: | Management of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis with the SpineCor Dynamic Corrective Brace |
Meeting/Date: | ISPO Orthopadie & Reha Tehnik, Leipzig, Germany – 2010 |
Authors: | Andrew J Mills |
Title: | Treating Adult Scoliosis and Back Pain with the SpineCor Pain Relief Back Brace |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT, Lyon, France – 2009 |
Authors: | J McAviney, T Pappas |
Title: | Initial Results of SpineCor® Treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis in Seville, Spain |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT, Lyon, France – 2009 |
Authors: | A Vera Miller |
Title: | Adult Scoliosis and the SpineCor Dynamic Brace: Some Early Results on Efficiency |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT, Athens, Greece – 2008 |
Authors: | Louse Marcotte, Charles-Hilaire Rivard, Christine Coillard |
Title: | The Use of the SpineCor Dynamic Corrective Brace in Greece: A Preliminary Report |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT, Athens, Greece – 2008 |
Authors: | Irini Tsakiri, Vangelis Vakaloglou, Kostantinos Karvounis, Petros Kattou, Patagiotis K Soucacos |
Title: | SpineCor Concept |
Meeting/Date: | SOSORT, Boson, USA – 2007 |
Authors: | Andrew J Mills |
Title: | Etiopathogenesis of Idiopathic Scoliosis |
Meeting/Date: | AAOP, Chicago, USA – March 2006 |
Authors: | Andrew J Mills |
Title: | FCAAOP/AAOP – SpineCor Concept |
Meeting/Date: | SAUK, Sheffield Children’s Hospital, Sheffield, UK |
Authors: | Andrew J Mills |
Title: | Effectiveness of the SpineCor Brace Based on the New Standardized Criteria Proposed by the S.R.S. for Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. |
Meeting/Date: | AAOP Meeting, Florida, USA – Feb/March 2008: ISPO Meeting – Vancouver, Canada – July/August 2007: SOSORT Meeting – Boston, USA – May 2007: |
Authors: | C Coillard, V Vachon, A Circo, M Beauséjour, C H Rivard |
Title: | Positive Outcome in Overweight Patients with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Treated by the SpineCor Brace |
Meeting/Date: | AAOP Meeting – Florida, USA – Feb/March 2008: ISPO Meeting – Vancouver, Canada – July/August 2007: SOSORT Meeting – Boston, USA – May 2007: |
Authors: | V Vachon, A Circo, C Coillard, C H Rivard |
Title: | Idiopathic Scoliosis – Dynamic Corrective Brace Treatment Concept, Principle & Practice |
Meeting/Date: | AOPA Nacional Assembly – Florida, USA – July 2006 |
Authors: | Andrew J Mills |
Title: | Étude prospective observationnelle d’une cohorte de 487 patients traités avec le corset dynamique SpineCor : Résultats de 47 patients après 5 ans de sevrage du corset |
Meeting/Date: | GES Meeting, Paris, France – March, 2006 |
Authors: | Charles Hilaire Rivard, Christine Coillard, Souad Rhalmi, Andrew J. Mills, Valérie Vachon, Ana del Campo |
Title: | Analyse de survie d’une cohorte consécutive de 365 patients scoliotiques ayant été traités par un corset dynamique de correction à l’Hôpital Sainte-Justine. |
Meeting/Date: | Groupe Kinésithérapique de Travail sur la Scoliose, Lille, France – March 2005 |
Authors: | Charles Hilaire Rivard, Valérie Vachon, Christine Coillard, |
Title: | Evaluation Posturale Des Patients Atteint D’une Scoliose Idiopathique Et Les Sujets Controles |
Meeting/Date: | Groupe Kinésithérapique de Travail sur la Scoliose, Lille, France – March 2005 |
Authors: | Valérie Vachon, Karl F Zabjek, Christine Coillard, Charles Hilaire Rivard, |
Title: | A Prospective Randomised Study Of The Natural History Of Idiopathic Scoliosis Versus Treatment With The SpineCor Brace: Interim Results. |
Meeting/Date: | International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformitiess, Barcelona, Spain – January 2004 |
Authors: | Christine Coillard, Karl F Zabjek, Charles Hilaire Rivard |
Title: | Three Dimensional Changes Induced By Non-Invasive Treatment Of Idiopathic Scoliosis |
Meeting/Date: | International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Barcelona, Spain – January 2004 |
Authors: | C Coillard, K F Zabjek, C H Rivard |
Title: | Survival Analysis Of The First Weaned Patients Treated With The SpineCor Brace |
Meeting/Date: | International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Barcelona, Spain – January 2004 |
Authors: | Christine Coillard, Karl F. Zabjek, Charles H. Rivard, Michel Leroux |
Title: | Three-Dimensional Postural Parameters That Differentiate Scoliotic Curves |
Meeting/Date: | International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Barcelona, Spain – January 2004 |
Authors: | Christine Coillard, Karl F. Zabjek, Charles H. Rivard |
Title: | Experiences Gained With The SpineCor Dynamic Brace In Hungary |
Meeting/Date: | International Conference on Conservative Management of Spinal Deformities, Barcelona, Spain – January 2004 |
Authors: | Dr Judith G Farkas |