I wish to thank you formally for the excellent, professional care you and Dan Kell have given me during the last five months.
As a result of my fall down a flight of stairs on November 2nd I suffered a head injury, back and chest contusions and a sprained wrist. My head injury and the wrist sprain were taken care of immediately at the hospital emergency room, but my back pain only grew worse during the next few days. My search for an outstanding chiropractic physician led me to your injury rehab clinic, and after my evaluation visit, I was convinced I had made the best choice. The program of treatment, which you outlined for me and the expertise with which they were given, soon rid me of my pain and then strengthened and healed my back.
Also, you were both very sensitive to the emotional trauma, which accompanies such an accident and always made me feel confident that your treatments and special exercises would lead to a healthy back – which it has!
Tomorrow, I will have my last treatment and I will continue to do the exercise program, which you have outlined, for me. I have also returned to my aerobics classes three times per week.
I am very grateful to you for your meticulous professional care during this time of healing.
B. K.